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Custom Wrapper

Custom wrappers allow you to wrap a field type with a component.

Prebuilt Wrappers


  • form-field
    • Shows validation messages below field.
  • addons


  • form-field
    • Shows validation messages below field.


  • form-field
    • Shows validation messages and label for required.


  • form-field
    • Has label, shows validation messages, shows description, and label for required.


  • form-field
    • Has label, required and validation message.

Creating a Custom Wrapper

Creating a custom wrapper is easy, the following example shows how to create a panel wrapper around a field.

See live demo: demo

1. Defining the Custom Wrapper class and it's template:

First you have to create a component representing the wrapper which extends FieldWrapper class.

// panel-wrapper.component.ts
import { Component, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
import { FieldWrapper } from '@ngx-formly/core';

selector: 'formly-wrapper-panel',
template: `
<div class="card">
<h3 class="card-header">Its time to party</h3>
<h3 class="card-header">{{ props.label }}</h3>
<div class="card-body">
<ng-container #fieldComponent></ng-container>
export class PanelFieldWrapper extends FieldWrapper {

fieldComponent is where the field is inserted. (<ng-container #fieldComponent></ng-container>)

Note: FieldWrapper component extends Field therefore you can have multiple wrappers attached to one field. Example you can have both a label and validator wrapper.

2. Register the custom type in NgModule declaration:

import { PanelFieldWrapper } from './panel-wrapper.component';

declarations: [PanelFieldWrapper],
export class AppModule {}

3. set an aliase for PanelFieldWrapper component (Optional):

Note: This step is required only for JSON powered form (see "Method-2" below).

import { PanelFieldWrapper } from './panel-wrapper.component';

imports: [
wrappers: [
{ name: 'panel', component: PanelFieldWrapper },
export class AppModule {}

wrappers: [ ... ] is where define what custom wrappers we want to inject into our module to use in our FormlyFieldConfig

4. Use the panel wrapper in the form config:

  • Method 1: Pass the PanelFieldWrapper component to the field config.

    fields: FormlyFieldConfig[] = [
    key: 'address',
    wrappers: [PanelFieldWrapper],
    props: { label: 'Address' },
    fieldGroup: [{
    key: 'town',
    type: 'input',
    props: {
    required: true,
    type: 'text',
    label: 'Town',

    wrappers: [PanelFieldWrapper] is where FormlyFieldConfig assigns the field instance to use that panel.

  • Method 2: Pass the PanelFieldWrapper alias (defined in FormlyModule.forRoot) to the field config.

    fields: FormlyFieldConfig[] = [
    key: 'address',
    wrappers: ['panel'],
    props: { label: 'Address' },
    fieldGroup: [{
    key: 'town',
    type: 'input',
    props: {
    required: true,
    type: 'text',
    label: 'Town',

    wrappers: ['panel'] is where FormlyFieldConfig assigns the field instance to use that panel.

Creating default wrappers for components

Sometimes you always want a components with certain wrappers.

... //Imports
imports: [
types: [
name: 'operator',
component: OperatorComponent,
wrappers: ['form-field']
declarations: [
export class AppModule { }

You can do this by setting the wrappers: ['form-field'] to that type in the module