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Formly Field Presets

With formly templates, wrappers and extensions, it's easy to reuse form logic throughout your app. However, in larger projects, you will often find yourself defining the same things over and over; think of common form fields like email, name or password fields which should be the same throughout your app.

The @ngx-formly/core/preset enables you to define reusable FormlyFieldConfigs centrally.

Defining a Preset

To define a preset, two steps are necessary:

  • Importing the FormlyPresetModule
  • Providing presets to FormlyConfig

Have a look at the following example which defines a simple firstName preset:

imports: [
presets: [
name: 'firstName',
config: {
key: 'firstName',
type: 'input',
props: {
label: 'First Name',
export class AppModule {}

It is also possible to define more complex presets by using a FormlyFieldConfigPresetProvider (which contains only a single getConfiguration method). This enables presets that contain dependencies and can be self-configuring. Refer to Example: Presets to see this behavior in action.

Using Presets

After you have defined a preset, it's very easy to use them in your forms. Presets are accessed using so-called pseudo-types, which are prefixed with a single #:

fieldConfig = [
type: '#firstName'

This will substitute all properties with those defined in the preset.

To reuse fields while overriding only certain properties, simply specify those properties:

fieldConfig = [
type: '#firstName'
props: {
label: 'alternative label'