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Properties and Options

Formly Form

Everything starts with the formly-form. General use of it will look something like this:



formFormGroup or FormArraynew FormGroup({})noThe form instance which allow to track model value and validation status.
fieldsFormlyFieldConfig[]yesThe field configurations for building the form.
modelanyyesThe model to be represented by the form.
optionsFormlyFormOptionsnoOptions for the form.


(modelChange)Fired on model value change


keystringThe key that relates to the model. This will link the field value to the model.
idstringThis allows you to specify the id of your field. Note, the id is generated if not set.
namestringIf you wish, you can specify a specific name for your field. This is useful if you're posting the form to a server using techniques of yester-year.
typestringThe type of field to be rendered. More information over at Custom templates.
classNamestringYou can specify your own class that will be applied to the formly-field directive.
propsobjectThis is reserved for the templates. Any template-specific options go in here. Look at your specific template implementation to know the options required for this.
templateOptionsobjectThis is reserved for the templates. Any template-specific options go in here. Look at your specific template implementation to know the options required for this. @deprecated use props instead
templatestringCan be set instead of type to render custom html content.
defaultValueanyIf this is provided and the value of the model at compile-time is undefined, then the value of the model will be assigned the defaultValue.
hidebooleanWhether to hide the field. Defaults to false. If you wish this to be conditional use expressions: { hide: ... }.
hideExpressionboolean/string/functionConditionally hide the field based on values from other fields. @deprecated use expressions: { hide: ... } instead
expressionsboolean/string/functionAn object where the key is a property to be set on the main field config and the value is an expression used to assign that property.
focusbooleanWhether to focus or blur the element field. Defaults to false. If you wish this to be conditional use expressions
wrappersstring[]It is expected to be the name of the wrappers. The formly field template will be wrapped by the first wrapper, then the second, then the third, etc. You can also specify these as part of a type (which is the recommended approach).
parsersfunction[]Array of functions to execute, as a pipeline, whenever the model updates, usually via user input.
fieldGroupFormlyFieldConfig[]A field group is a way to group fields together, making advanced layout very simple. It can also be used to group fields that are associated with the same model (useful if it's different than the model for the rest of the fields).
fieldGroupClassNamestringSpecify your own class that will be applied to the formly-group component.
validationobjectAn object with a few useful properties: messages, show
validatorsanyUsed to set validation rules for a particular field. Should be an object of key - value pairs. The value can either be an expression to evaluate or a function to run. Each should return a boolean value, returning true when the field is valid. See Validation for more information.
asyncValidatorsanyUse this one for anything that needs to validate asynchronously. Pretty much exactly the same as the validators api, except it must be a function that returns a promise.
formControlAbstractControlThis is the FormControl for the field. It provides you more control like running validators, calculating status, and resetting state.
modelOptionsobjectAn object with a few useful properties to control the model changes: debounce, updateOn



The formState property is passed to all fields and is a mechanism for communicating between fields (without having to mess with your model).

resetModel and updateInitialValue

This also receives the methods resetModel and updateInitialValue which will invoke all of the field's resetModel and updateInitialValue respectively.